
Accelerate your teams’ innovation at scale

Jira Software empowers enterprises with the flexibility, visibility, and performance to deliver quality products with agility

Jira Work Management

Jira Work Management is a modern work management solution, ideal for all types of business teams, including Marketing, HR, and Finance with the goal of optimizing the collaboration of different projects.

Jira Work Management offers many new features to meet the demand for a user-friendly project management solution. The features include a list view, a calendar view, an improved timeline view and simple drag-and-drop formulas that are available for use in all projects. Additionally, Atlassian announced that several other features will be added in the near future.

The benefit of Jira Work Management is that you get a project management solution that integrates easily with all of Atlassian’s applications.

Jira Service Management

Jira Service Management supports teams with everything they need for a fast and effective workflow. You can set Jira Service Management in whichever way you need to meet your unique needs. The ITSM system is delivered with access to request-, problem-, change-, and configuration management.

Utilize the opportunity to quickly create a service desk and adjust your changes continuously. Jira Service Management gives you the possibility to track your workflows in an open and collaborating platform.

Jira Software

Jira Software unlocks the power of agile and kanban by giving your team the tools to easily create & estimate stories, build a sprint backlog, identify team commitments & velocity, visualize team activity, and report on your team’s progress.

Contact us for a talk about Jira and to discover which product is best for you


We supply services, such as Atlassian, Miro, AWS, and Monday.com through a SKI-framework agreement to public organisations. As a supplier through this agreement, we live up to a variety of minimum criteria within quality, environment, and CSR.