Agile & DevOps

The Agile Paradigm

A basic principle within the agile paradigm is a fundamental acceptance that the world is not static, but rather in constant development. It addresses the agile paradigm by dividing work packages into smaller chunks, often called sprints. The agile paradigm is operationalized in process frameworks, such as Scrum, KanBan, eXtreme programming, etc. When an organization works this way, there is room to make mistakes and get feedback that provides continuous learning that can be included in the next sprint. Overall, the agile paradigm makes up for traditional plan-driven approaches by embracing changeability. The transition to the agile paradigm places great demands on the collaborative solutions one chooses. Often an agile transformation will mean that Excel, Word and MS Project will be replaced with more flexible solutions. These solutions must enable a high degree of automation, support for non-document-based knowledge sharing, efficient, transparent task management and ecosystems where the solution can be easily expanded as the team’s maturity increases.

The link to DevOps

Initially, the agile wave hit development teams. DevOps includes development/operations departments to create a single agile IT unit that does not consist of silos but works together to deliver the most significant business value to its customers. Aety can support this transformation with one unified platform. The benefits of integrating IT into a single DevOps unit:
  • A unified team handles all phases of an application’s life cycle
  • Allows you to increase the speed from idea to implementation in the production environment
  • Automation of the entire value chain
Source: Atlassian

We offer various DevOps services

Collaboration tools to support the agile paradigm as well as DevOps teams

At aety, we support existing and new teams with collaborative solutions. This is whether your teams are working on frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, XP, or a completely different framework. We can implement a collaboration platform for agile teams, supporting:
  • Boards for task management according to your preferred agile framework, Scrum, KanBan, etc.
  • Effective test management
  • Automation of manual work tasks
  • Collaboration-oriented documentation platform
  • Integration with your code-oriented tools
  • Effective real-time reporting through Dashboards
  • The possibility of expanding the solution continuously with in-house developed components or products from an extensive ecosystem
To support you with a comprehensive solution, we are based on our partnerships with Atlassian,, AWS and Miro.

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